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Pediatric Eye Exams

It can be difficult for children to learn and behave properly when they cannot see well. As a parent, it is important to be on the lookout for signs of poor vision. If you notice any of these signs, come see us at Family EyeCare at Westchase, as we are trained in pediatric eye care.

Pediatric Eye Exams

Signs Your Child Might Have Vision Problems

  • Squinting: This occurs when trying to focus and make an object appear clearer.
  • Excessive blinking: Frequent blinking may indicate eye irritation.
  • Tilting the Head: This is a sign that vision could be clearer in one eye than in the other.
  • Moving objects closer: A child might have trouble seeing distant objects if they are experiencing nearsightedness.
  • Itchy and Irritated Eyes: If your child is often rubbing their eyes and they appear red and irritated, contact an eye doctor.

What a Pediatric Eye Exam Entails

If you notice any of these signs, bring your child in for a pediatric eye exam. We are trained in pediatric eye care and can get to the root of the problem. Even if you do not notice any of these signs, it is still a good idea to bring your child in for an exam. Catching a problem early and being proactive can help ensure eye health as the child ages. Once a vision problem is corrected, this will hopefully positively affect academic performance and behavior.

Schedule an Appointment with Our Optometrist in Tampa, FL

Call Family EyeCare at Westchase today at (813) 814-2020 for more information or to schedule an appointment with our optometrist.